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Oropharma oro-bath

Oiseaux Hygiène et santé Oropharma oro-bath SPECIAL OFFERS

Oropharma oro-bath

Description du produit

Orphama, sels de bain pour les oiseaux d'ornementOropharma Oro-Bath contient des sels de bain spéciaux pour les oiseaux d'ornement afin que leur plumage soit propre et brillant. La majorité des oiseaux aiment bien se baigner et le bain est, de plus, nécessaire pour maintenir leurs plumages en bon état.Oro-Bath a des propriétés apaisantes pour l'animal et nettoie en profondeur la peau est les plumes de votre oiseau. Il permet que la peau n'ait pas de squames et que les plumes soient brillantes.Si vous ajoutez Oro-Bath à l'eau du bain de vos oiseaux, vous permettrez qu'il ait un plumage avec toutes ces caractéristiques.Mode d'emploi : Ajoutez une dose (2 g environ) du produit Oro-Bath pour chaque 250 ml d'eau de la baignoire.Ce mélange peut aussi être pulvérisé directement sur les plumes de l'animal.La fréquence adéquate des bains dépend de l'époque de l'année : en hiver une fois par semaine et en saison d'exposition, tous les deux ou trois jours.Il est important de retirer l'eau du bain...

Oropharma Oro-Bath is a special bath salts care product for glossy plumage. It makes feathers more supple, keeps the feet and skin free from scaling ,Oropharma Versele-Laga has a wide range of feed supplements and health care Pigeon Products for your pets. Discover the products for pigeons, small animals, rabbits ,Oropharma Oro-Bath is a special bath salts care product for glossy plumage. It makes feathers more supple, keeps the feet and skin free from scaling and ensures ,and are indispensable for the bird's good health. See also the Oropharma instructions table for the optimal combinations of Oropharma products, ,Oropharma Oro-Bath. Oropharma Oro-Bath is a special bath salts care product for glossy plumage. It makes feathers more supple, keeps the feet and skin free from ,Oropharma Oro-Bath is a special bath salts care product for glossy plumage. It makes feathers more supple, keeps the feet and skin free from scaling and ensures,Limpa a pele e as penas garantindo uma plumagem exuberante Oro-bath são sias especiais para o banho de aves; Limpa a pele e as penas garantindo uma plumagem ,Oropharma Oro-Bath is a special bath salts care product for glossy plumage. It makes feathers more supple, keeps the feet and skin free from scaling and ensures ,Oropharma Oro-Bath is a special bath salts care product for glossy plumage. It makes feathers more supple, keeps the feet and skin free from scaling and ensures ,Product presentation: Oropharma Oro-Bath is a special bath salts care product for glossy plumage. It makes feathers more supple, keeps the feet and skin free from

Détails sur le produit

  • Rang parmi les ventes : #88023 dans Pet Products
  • Marque: VERSELE LAGA
  • Dimensions: .66 livres

Welcome at Oropharma
Product presentation: Oropharma Oro-Bath is a special bath salts care product for glossy plumage. It makes feathers more supple, keeps the feet and skin free from

Oropharma Oro-Bath is a special bath salts care product for glossy plumage. It makes feathers more supple, keeps the feet and skin free from scaling and ensures

ORO-BATH (Oropharma)
Oropharma Oro-Bath is a special bath salts care product for glossy plumage. It makes feathers more supple, keeps the feet and skin free from scaling and ensures

Limpa a pele e as penas garantindo uma plumagem exuberante Oro-bath são sias especiais para o banho de aves; Limpa a pele e as penas garantindo uma plumagem

Oropharma Oro-Bath - Vogelartikelenwebshop.nl
Oropharma Oro-Bath is a special bath salts care product for glossy plumage. It makes feathers more supple, keeps the feet and skin free from scaling and ensures

Oro-bath - Vogelartikelenwebshop.nl
Oropharma Oro-Bath. Oropharma Oro-Bath is a special bath salts care product for glossy plumage. It makes feathers more supple, keeps the feet and skin free from

Welcome at Oropharma
and are indispensable for the bird's good health. See also the Oropharma instructions table for the optimal combinations of Oropharma products,

Oropharma Oro-Bath is a special bath salts care product for glossy plumage. It makes feathers more supple, keeps the feet and skin free from scaling and ensures

Oropharma Versele-Laga Pigeon Products Online Store
Oropharma Versele-Laga has a wide range of feed supplements and health care Pigeon Products for your pets. Discover the products for pigeons, small animals, rabbits

Oropharma | mgerom canaries
Oropharma Oro-Bath is a special bath salts care product for glossy plumage. It makes feathers more supple, keeps the feet and skin free from scaling

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